Cash Advance
A cash advance is a service provided by most credit card and charge card issuers. The service allows cardholders to withdraw cash, either through an ATM or over the counter at a bank or other financial agency, up to certain limit on your credit card. A cash advance fee between 3-5% is normally assessed for conducting a cash advance and interest begins accumulating daily on your cash advance. Most financial institutions charge a higher APR for cash advances upwards of 20%. However, Members 1st Credit Union reduces your cash advance APR to the same as your purchase rate APR, as low as 9.99%.
How Does a Cash Advance Work?
A cash advance isn’t like using your debit card to get cash. The money doesn’t come from your bank account. Instead, it’s added to your credit card balance. And a cash advance can come with fees and higher interest rates than typical credit card purchases do. So while it may be convenient, it can be more expensive than making a purchase on your credit card.
How to Get a Cash Advance From a Credit Card
With a Members 1st credit card you can get money through a cash advance a few ways:
- In person: You can ask your teller for a cash advance by using your credit card.
- At an ATM: You can insert your card, enter your PIN and receive your cash. This will show up as a cash advance on your credit card statement. You can use your credit card at most ATMs the same way you'd use a debit card, but you aren't drawing from a bank account.