2021 Annual Meeting Live Teleconference and Election
Members 1st Credit Union introduces the 2021 Annual Meeting. All members are invited to attend the live teleconference where you can hear the results of the annual elections for the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee.
There are two options to join the meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 12:30 p.m.:
Call-in toll-free at (866) 901-6455 and use audio access code 536-963-239 (Please be advised that all chat communications are public, so please keep all interactions appropriate and respectful.)
Click here to register and join us live online.
Please take a moment to log your attendance at the 2021 Annual Meeting by clicking here.
A copy of the 2021 Annual Report is available here.
Visit the Email Us web form for any questions you have during the Annual Meeting. Questions will receive a response on Monday, April 18th. For any technical difficulties during the teleconference, please refer to this webpage for assistance.
Like previous years, you will receive a voting ballot to elect our Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee with your April statement that will direct you to where you can submit your vote online anytime prior to the day of the annual meeting. Paper ballots can be dropped off in the Night Dropbox at any Members 1st branch prior to April 14, 2022.
Thank you for your participation in the Annual Elections and attendance of the Annual Meeting.