It's Time to Vote for Best of the North State
It’s Best of the North State time again–the time when the community gets to voice their choice and vote for their favorite North State businesses. The Record Searchlight’s Best of the North State competition begins Sunday, September 27 through October 11. We are deeply honored to have been voted Best of the North State by our members and community the last 4 years and hope to continue that honor with a fifth year in 2020.
In as little as 30 seconds, you can cast your vote for Members 1st Credit Union as "Best Bank / Credit Union" in 2020 from your phone, tablet, or computer.
1. Simply click this link: https://redding.secondstreetapp.com/Best-of-the-North-State-2020/gallery?group=365761
2. Enter Members 1st Credit Union as Best Bank/Credit Union
3. Vote for Members 1st each day until October 11
We thank you for considering Members 1st Best of the North State and look forward to continuing our efforts and commitment to our community and valued members.