Mint and Quicken Synchronization Error
Synchronization between Members 1st Credit Union accounts and Mint and Quicken is currently experiencing connectivity issues. Quicken and Mint are both using outdated login information due to the recent redesign of the Members 1st Credit Union website. Members 1st Credit Union has made Mint and Quicken aware of the issue and requested that they update their systems with our new login page. Mint and Quicken hope to have this issue resolved in 7-10 business days.
Update October 11, 2016 -
Mint has successfully updated their login information for Members 1st Credit Union. We have successfully tested the connectivity and found the issue to be resolved. However, Quicken's connectivity issues continue and have yet to be resolved. Our support team is continually requesting Quicken to update their login information for Members 1st Credit Union. An update will be posted when this issue is resolved.