Your Purchases, Protected
You take precautions in every other part of your life, why not with your purchases? With new protection features built right in to your Members 1st credit card, peace of mind is never far away.
Worried about your online purchases being left on your porch while you’re away at work for the day? You just got your holiday shopping done online, waited days or even weeks for your packages to arrive, but between crammed carrier vans smashing boxes and local vandals lifting packages, they never even made it into the house. You don’t have time during your busy schedule to sit on the phone with the delivery service and your stolen goods are long gone. With the new Purchase Protection feature on your Members 1st credit card, your purchases are protected from theft up to $1,000 per item.
However, theft isn’t your only concern when making purchases. We all make purchases with the best of intentions, but sometimes by the time you try on that new dress, you realize it just doesn’t fit how you wanted it to or doesn’t look how it did on the hanger in the store. Especially when stores are temporarily closing fitting rooms for safety reasons, there’s an even greater chance that your new purchase will need to be returned. You may quickly discover that the store’s return policy is less friendly than you had hoped, limiting the opportunity to return merchandise to just 14 days. Fortunately for you, you made your purchase with your Members 1st credit card, so we’ve got your return covered—up to $250 per item. Now you can buy without worry of remorse.
The complications of a return policy can pale in comparison to that of travel cancellations and interruptions. Travel can be unexpected these days. With canceled trips, flights, and busses, an unexpected illness, and more, you might feel like you need a getaway from your getaway. We understand life’s volatility and with your Members 1st credit card, the unexpected doesn’t have to mean an unexpected loss of money too. Use your Members 1st credit card for your next trip and relax knowing you have up to $2,000 of travel protection covering you from travel cancellations and interruptions, so your vacation can actually be a vacation.
For more information about credit card protection benefits, please visit our webpage.