Bite of Reality is offered through a collaborative partnership between Members 1st Credit Union and the Youth Options Shasta. This free financial training seminar is available to high school juniors and seniors and college-age young adults. The training focuses on budgeting, planning, check writing, and understanding a ledger. The most important part of our training is our real-life-scenario where students are given a fictitious life scenario containing a family, employment, bills, and debt. Students must make real life decisions regarding housing, vehicles, food, entertainment, clothing, and more while balancing their income and expenses. This is a 6-hour training that is conducted over two days, but can be condensed to a two hour training for schools and other venues upon request." to "This is a 1.5 hour training that can be conducted in-person or by online webinar. Training sessions can be condensed to a one-hour training to accommodate schools and other venues upon request. Visit our events page to attend our next seminar. After completing this seminar, you will have an enhanced comprehension of:
- Budgeting personal finances
- Expense planning
- Check writing
- Utilizing a ledger
- And greater understanding of how money can affect your life